miércoles, 23 de enero de 2013

Theatre, the best part of culture

"In Federico García Lorca's short life (1898-1936), executed during the Spanish Civil War at the age of 38, poetry seems more related to his first period than theatre, the second one. This division, originated by the big quantity of poems and dramas in the different periods of his existence, does not respond to  reality, since the writer used to alternate one with another.
In addition to this, in his theatre, as we can check in Yerma, poetry, symbols, metaphors, images and popular songs irrigate the plot. The spectator who sees Yerma in María Guerrero Theatre, will experiment many different feelings."
Translation from the article published in www.elcultural.es

I envy people who can go to the theatre and enjoy the special and so characteristic Lorca's way of put into words the Spanish essence and the universal feeling that almost once in life all of us have felt.
Lorca's gift to write has attracted me since the early age of eight, when my father gave me as a precious present two books: Yerma and Federico García Lorca for children. 
The first one, Yerma tells the story of a sterile woman who can't enjoy free love and sex. It's moving, for this reason, I recommend to read it or see it in the theatre.

Raquel Mesa Toledo

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