viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2012

   Jacob's Well Texas

  ”Freedom is nothing else but a chance to be better.”
 Albert Camus (1913-1960). French novelist, essayist and dramatist.

If you usually daydream about landscapes to relax and forget the routine for a minute, and you love water like me, then this is the perfect place to feel absolutely free.

Jacob’s Well is the largest water spring in Texas Hill Country. It flows from the most extensive underwater cave in a few miles north of Wimberley. It descends vertically for about ten meters, ultimately reaching a depth of forty meters at an angle as a series of chambers separated by narrow corridors. Jacob's Well has the notoriety of being one of the most dangerous underwater caves for scuba divers.

You don’t have to be the bravest to visit this shocking wonder and enjoy the miracles of nature. 

 Raquel Mesa

 Killer Whales?

When I was a child, I used to say to everybody that one day I would become a marine biologist to study orcas.
I developed a passionate interest in this amazing animal drawing it all the time, up to the point of thinking about tattooing it in my body when I was older. Not only watching “Free Willy”, but also researching about it watching also documentaries and reading. I was convinced of, at least, one day I would travel to Vancouver Island to see how orcas scratch their back on the little stones near the shore, or how their groups live in family or maybe to listen to their voices that sound like music.
Some years have passed by, but I still have this dream to see wich I consider one of the most beautiful animals on earth.
Actually, I have this dream many nights as my particular obssesion. And some people want it to become a nightmare when I hear them saying “Killer whale”. A killer is someone who amuse killing. In fact, scientists are considering this behaviour in orcas when they hunt. But not even they know if an orca enjoys playing with its prey. For that reason, we can’t label orcas as killers, and if we do it, then we are killers too because there are humans that enjoy killing other animals just to put them on the wall. It seems hypocrisy to me.
For all these reasons, I would recommend visiting them in Vancover Island where you can rent a kayak in a fully equipped base camp with flexible itinerary and food among other interesting options.
I hope someday we’ll see each other reflecting in these terms in situ.

By Raquel Mesa.

Questions for the General Strike of November 14
1- Where is collected the right to strike?
The right to strike is a fundamental right as collected in the Spanish Constitution (Article 28) and as such has special protection under the law.
2- Who is affected by the strike call?
The strike affects all activities performed by labor and civil service workers and employees of companies and institutions established in the geographical and legal Spanish state.
3-Are there minimum services in my company?
The authority to establish minimum services in a company's exclusive state or regional government, indicating the company and specific department by publishing in the Official Gazette for. Any other establishment of minimum services is considered very serious violation of the right to strike. There is in any case the company unilateral determination of minimum services.
4- If my boss asks me, do I have to tell you if I will strike?
No, the communication of the strike is the failure to go to work that day. The worker may decide to endorse the strike at the last minute no matter what you said before.
5- What if my boss does not permit to strike?
Bosses can not put pressure on employees. All responsible coercing press or abridging the right to strike is a fundamental right in violation of the Constitution, especially protected.
6- If I strike, do I have to catch up on or do some kind of guard?
No, the aim of the strike is affecting ordinary production. The hours of strike do not recover.
7- Can my company force you to do my work colleagues who do not join the strike?
No, the exercise of the right to strike the employer's directive authority as provided in Articles 20, 39 and 40 of the Statute of Workers. During the strike, the employer can not replace striking workers with anyone other than the company or others in the same company of the same or different categories. The actions of this kind are an infringement of the fundamental right to strike prevails over other rights.
8- What economic implications have to second strike?
Assumes payroll deduciont a day's pay, plus the portion of Social Security contributions.

They leave us no future!!

Nuria Debora Benito Labed.

jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2012

Fallen Idols

Fallen Idols

The artist Vicente López presents the exhibition of Fallen Idols in the Museo Municipal de Bellas Artes of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

The exhibition shows a route through the work of the artist from 2000 to 2012 with a pictorial reflection about images and its permanence.

It is organized in three main series of oil painting and acrylic over linen and plays with juxtaposition of ghraphic elements and popular icons, creating a hybrid between surrealism, Pop and neo-dadaism under a realistic vision.

Place: Contemporary Art Room

Date: September 28th - November 25th

David Hernández García

Cultural Offer

The International Festival of Los Silos (2012)

From 5th to December 8th International Festival will be held on the story of The Silos (In the town of Los Silos, located north of the island of Santa Cruz de Tenerife). This festival was created in 1996. The purpose of this festival is to present different stories from around the world, with international storytelling which gives a value to multicultural celebration of this event.

(This is the festival flyer) 

For more information : 

Mónica Pacheco González

Cultural News

   On October 17, was opened the photo exhibition "Colours of Nepal" by Silvia     Hidalgo, in the next room of Victor Jara Neighborhood Theatre. This cultural event was published in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and written by

Nazaret Janira Valladolid Gaspar